sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Café Turco

Até podia ter ido à Tunísia e não ter experimentado os cachimbos de água ou não ter saboareado o chá com pinhões, mas não era a mesma coisa!

E Mercan Dede, claro!

2 comentários:

Karin disse...

:))... very nice.!!! I'm not totally sure, partly I know these images also from the concert, but somewhere amongst my videos I have at least a very similar one.! :)it's lovely.... did u find it on youtube? I saw there today the video of satie, gnossienne, the same one you have also on ur site. I love that video, it is the nicest of all... :)).

Sininho disse...

Hi Karin!
Nice to see you here! :))
Thank you very much for the visit! :))
Yes, I found this video on youtube.

I knew Mercan music some time ago on the radio.
In "Planeta 3", presented by Raquel Bulha, where she makes the disclosure of worl music and I fell in love immediately by this sound! :)))